LIDB Administration
Line Information Databases are Essential to Caller Name and Other Services |
LIDBs store an array of subscriber and service information that is critical to call completion. Caller Name depends on LIDB records, as does single-number service, such as 311 or local mappings for regional or national 800 numbers. When someone attempts to place a collect call, the LIDB database tells whether collect calls are accepted at that telephone number.
Not every provider has to operate a LIDB, but there’s good reason for providers to store their subscribers’ information in one. The largest ILECs and competitive wholesale providers operate LIDBs. CLECs and small ILECs contract for LIDB services. It’s an opportunity for revenue for both parties. The LIDB provider collects “per dip” fees for responding to queries. These fees are shared with the provider whose information is queried.
LIDB Administration
TelSA LIDB Administration is the most comprehensive and scalable product of its kind, fully implementing the requirements set forth in Telcordia GR-446, and expanding on its data model to implement extensive additional functionality. Proven by years of operation at US RBOCs, TelSA LIDB Administration scales to manage 100’s of millions of telephone numbers per node. TelSA LIDB Administration is the industry leader in the number of records per installation as well as the number of LIDBs that can be administered by a single system.
TelSA LIDB Administration is as flexible as it is scalable. For example, it supports administration of working and non-working lines at the same time. As a result, providers who already maintain a LIDB database have a cost-effective solution for call intercept.
Custom tag management, a feature unique to TelSA LIDB Administration, makes it possible for providers to deliver better, more efficient customer care. Information such as subscriber language preference or usage patterns is administered by TelSA and sent to LIDB, where it is available to CRM systems to provide a fuller picture of the subscriber and the business opportunities he or she represents. |